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Don't gobblefunk around with words!

Have you been told that using preferred pronouns is a courtesy?

Have you been told that using words such as ‘cis’ adds clarity?

Have you been told that using phrases such as ‘pregnant people’ is inclusive?

None of it is true.


I explain here why it’s neither simple, nor a courtesy nor inclusive.

What is it?


Tweet Screen Shot about International Pronouns Day
  • March 2025
    15/03/2025 - Safe in the NHS?, Scotland Defeats Sturgeon, Holy-Rude to Women!, Met Police Vs Reality, Jersey Events End in Hope, Binning Objectification of Women 08/03/2025 - WRN Scotland Report in Holyrood, Wetherby Girls Given Hope, An International Women’s Day Event About Women, Working Together in Scotland, Vigils for Afghan Women 02/03/2025 - NPCC New (OLD) Guidance, Avon and Somerset Policing Policy, Cricket Shame, CBeebies Promote Drag Artists as “Mums”, Pool Party, Working Together in Scotland, Young Women Network, Norwich “Nazi” Update, Protest Clarification
  • February 2025
    23/02/2025 - WRN Scotland – Finally a Lot Going On, Yachting Hell?, Norfolk Ignoring Womenfolk, Norwich Greens’ Curious Conspiracy, WRN East Sussex in London, Special Sports Shorts 15/02/2025 - Male Doctor vs Female Existence, Stormont Not All Happy to Hear Facts from WRN NI, Unison Unties Women’s Rights, Girls Compromised at Swim England Events, Norfolk Green Opposes Vigil for Afghan Women, 09/02/2025 - Football Association Imbalance in Player Sanctions, Vigils for the Women and Girls of Afghanistan, Maiden Factor Boosts Visibility, Three Years of Manchester Denying Women Exist, Important Information on SheRACES 2025 Trail Series 01/02/2025 - WTF TUC?, "A woman living as a woman” in Scotland, One Man Reveals His Ignorance of Women’s Value to Policing, Vigils for the Women and Girls of Afghanistan, Lessons for Afghan Girls, International Women’s Day (IWD) Events Too Explicitly About Women, When Women Run – Jog or Hike, Pole Position for Female Swede
  • January 2025
    25/01/2025 - Women’s Justice, Prostitution Podcast, Misogyny Epidemic, Midlothian NHS Under Fire, WRN Jersey Builds on 2024 Events, When Women Run 19/01/2025 - Prostitution Promoted by Male-Dominated Unions, Are Scotland’s Hospitals Unsafe for Women?, Not Just Misogyny, This Is M&Sogyny, One Woman’s Amplified Marching Orders, It’s Just Not Cricket for Girls, Sports Shorts Kick Off 2025 12/01/2025 - “Grooming” gangs statement, Afghanistan Cricket and Action, NPCC and PSNI fail women, 2025 Sport, Vigils for Afghanistan, Sports Shorts, Are You a Viewer or a Member?
  • December 2024
    15/12/2024 - Organising for Afghanistan, Act Local, Women’s Rights National Network, Women’s Rights Regional Network, Women’s Global Network, A final word from our founder Heather Binning 08/12/2024 - Vigils for Women in Afghanistan, Manchester Council’s Failed Response, Workplace Guidance for Women’s Rights, New Sports Shorts, It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas Cards Leaflets T-shirts and Women’s Rights Presents, Advent Flash Fiction, Are You a Viewer or a Member?
  • November 2024
    30/11/2024 - British TRANSport Police, Female football fantasy, Supreme Clarity, Determination and Inspiration – from Victim to Survivor, Scotland’s Hope for Women and Girls, Rosie Duffield, It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas Cards, Leaflets, T-shirts and Women’s Rights Presents, Almost time for an advent calendar - open the first door on Sunday! 24/11/2024 - State Sanctioned Sexual Assault by British Transport Police, WRN Statement on Girls held in Mixed Sex Prisons, The Welsh Government is trying again. Very trying., WRN Jersey make the Jersey Post, It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas Cards 16/11/2024 - Swimming for “Women”, Afghanistan Needs Advocates, Why Women Won’t Wait, Sports Shorts, It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas Cards, WRN Zooms 09/11/2024 - Harris and “Women”, Men Prioritised in Olympic Women’s Boxing, MANchester City Council Challenged by Women, Leisure Centres – Putting Women and Girls at Risk, Consequences for Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre 02/11/2024 - After Dark Women Run, Afghan Women Sing, Vital Police Training, Manchester “Leisure”, Women for Women in Germany, Are You a Viewer or a Member?
  • October 2024
    26/10/2024 - Police Force Ignores Women’s Legal Rights, Men in Women’s Sports, The World Supports Women in Afghanistan, WRN At The Battle of Ideas, Mermaids Take-Away, Banter Bus, Fine for Women Naming Men Male, Sports Shorts 20/10/2024 - Updating the Equality Act 2010, Promoting Commercial Surrogacy, Ignoring Amateur Women, Street Stall Stories, Sports Short Podcast 13/10/2024 - WRN at the LGB Alliance Conference, Scottish Authorities’ Safeguarding Fail, Parkrun at 20 Denies Women’s Sports, Opposing Explicit Advertising Around Children, Sports Short Podcast 06/10/2024 - National Netball Nightmare, Schools Concern, Risky Teaching, WRN Sport Shorts, WRN Goes To Genspect, WRN Jersey’s Big Event, Labour Losing Women, LGBA Conference, Battle of Ideas, Resist German Self-ID
  • September 2024
    29/09/2024 - Non-contact Offences are Criminal, Surrey Police Fall In Line with the Law, Ironman Wales Ignores Women, Sign Up to Help Free Afghan Women and Girls, Police and Crime Commissioner Consultations, WRN at Labour Conference 21/09/2024 - Police Scotland to Give Rapists a “sense of belonging”, “Gender Quotas” in Wales, Rape Crisis Scotland Backed ERCC Instead of Victims, Anyone for Everyone, Oxford Polls as Sex-Realist!, Drew Augustine, Upcoming Dates 14/09/2024 - WRN Polices the Police – while they’re involved in activism instead of policing, Lobby Day at Parliament, Update on Met Police ‘Trans Day of Visibility’, 2024 Olympic Shame Revisited, Wrexham and Parkrun 07/09/2024 - Summer Scandal, Saving Women’s Sports, Libraries Promoting Lies, Sing for Women, Behind the Looking Glass, Opposing Laws That Criminalise Facts, XX Day, WRN and Free Speech
  • June 2024
    30/06/2024 - Explaining Reality to Labour – on the Doorstep, JKR, WRN and the GRC, Speaking of JKR, Speaking to Starmer, Women Speaking About Women, Hustings, Leaders’ Debate in Nottingham, UN Agrees to Taliban Demand to Sideline Women, Edinburgh Criminal Justice, Keir Starmer Speaks to a Woman, Scotland after the Adams Judgement, #SaveWomen’sSports, WRN Scotland Blog 22/06/2024 - Election Actions, Leafleting and Engaging, Raising the Banner, Speaking to Starmer, Gender in Jersey, Wales’ Gender Bill Scrapped, Podcast from WRN Scotland 15/06/2024 - Election Matters, Women Existing in Wales, National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) Continues To Fail Women, Northumbria Police Women, 1,000 Days Later for Women and Girls, Purchasing Power, Swimming Sees Sense 08/06/2024 - State-Sanctioned Sexual Assault, WRN Guernsey Correcting Published Lies, Election Actions, Female Mayor Wrong on Women’s Rights, Sophie Powers for Women, Australia’s Inequality Bill, Special Election Merchandise
  • May 2024
    25/05/2024 - WRN and Prospective MPs, When will the police stop gaslighting and start policing?, Edinburgh and Women, Gender GP included in ‘puberty blocker’ ban, ‘Honesty’ in the Senedd?, Derby Street Stall, Desexing Society in Australia 19/05/2024 - WRN and the FA, WRN on QT, WRN Scotland standing for facts in schools, MPs on the NHS, Sanity and reality break through in England, WRN Manchester and the UK's largest live entertainment arena 11/05/2024 - Guernsey Courts Embed a Lie, Ovarian Cancer Day Without ‘Women’, “Women’s” Health Magazine Dismisses Women, Inspiring Women – ‘Still I Rise’, The Woman Who Really Won the Chess, Derby Screening of Adult Human Female, Solidarity With Women Writers in France, Sunday Morning Inspiration, Our Lawyer of the Year 04/05/2024 - Australia’s “Equality” Bill, Save Women’s Football … leave no woman or girl behind, Single-sex spaces in schools – and everywhere, WRN on the Streets, Maiden, Meade for success, Lesbian Visibility, Law, meet Louise Distras
  • April 2024
    28/04/2024 - Standing up in the Senedd, Freedom of Speech at University, Women and the NPCC, WRN Derbyshire Mayoral Candidates, Who Judges the Judges?, Putting the John in…, Lesbian Visibility Week, Build a Girl 20/04/2024 - Local Elections - Respect My Sex, Police and Crime Commissioners: Respect My Sex, Puberty unblocked in Scotland?, Norwich Museum, Definition of ‘sex’ in Scotland, Women in Afghanistan 13/04/2024 - The Cass Report, Cass and sport, Tickle vs Giggle, Street stalls and election candidates, End FGM in The Gambia 06/04/2024 - Scotland’s War On Women, Police Report update, Self-ID in Wales, Australia Action, Podcast: When the Press goes Bad
  • March 2024
    30/03/2024 - Sexism in the Senedd, April’s no joke in Scotland, Screening of No Way Back, Alloa Women’s Festival - The Rising, Podcast: When the Press Goes Bad 23/03/2024 - Women and the menopause, Social media targets Afghanistan’s women and girls, Girls locked in boys’ spaces, Storyhouse vs Women, Mole at the WRN, Violet Vend, SEEN in journalism, No Way Back, WRN Leaflets 16/03/2024 - WRN, the NHS and revised gender guidance, When the press goes bad, The Guardian quotes Heather!, WRN Scotland make history, Australian women say No!, Wales and the Republic of Ireland, No Way Back, WRN Podcast on women 10/03/2024 - Celebrating inspiring WRN members, IWD and the Inclusion Delusion, WRN in the press, No Way Back, IWD in Afghanistan, Here’s to the Women Who Stand 02/03/2024 - Thames Valley policing reality - not in a good way!, East Anglia Leisure centre, Sports women taking a stand down, State Sanctioned Sexual Assault report update, Warrior Women in Afghanistan, Derby street stall
  • February 2024
    24/02/2024 - Chest isn't Best (or Breast), WRN Somerset & West Dorset, The park run, swim, cycle of fairness, WRN and the Police SEEN, WRN Turns out for women in prison, Women meet women in Australia 18/02/2024 - The story that keeps on Parkrunning, West Yorkshire Police, WRN meet the UN, Thames Valley Police Commissioner rejects self-ID for sex crime suspects, WRN on the law and campaigning for single sex toilets, Stonewalling of the Police, Turning the Tide Together - Northern WRN conference, Cathy Larkman interview 11/02/2024 - Parkrunning away with the records, State Sponsored Sexual Assault - MP update, Do U.S. Sanctions on the Taliban’s worst abusers work?, Lynne Pinches - our admiration 03/02/2024 - When we are at our most vulnerable - update, State-sanctioned sexual assault report update, Do prospective Welsh MPs understand the law?, Misogyny in music data, Network Rail celebrates excluding women
  • January 2024
    27/01/2024 - Mixed-sex toilets in schools, Manchester, Congratulations Jo Phoenix!, WRN groups getting active, Burns Night 20/01/2024 - WRN Police Report Update, Gender Pay Gap, Welsh rights and protections, Action in New South Wales, Parkrun Discriminates Against Women 13/01/2024 - WRN on the Police’s assault on female safety and dignity, WRN Report follow-up, Teaching Afghan girls at home and abroad, Scotland proposes to criminalise counselling for gender dysphoria, WRN Norfolk addressing local & national issues 06/01/2024 - parkrun, A year of activism, WRN and the WI, WRN reach Afghanistan, Speak up against self-ID, State Sanctioned Sexual Assault

You might find the following deep dive into language, its disorders and discrimination useful. It is relevant in every area of life. People with communication disabilities are in every area of life. They are you and me, our children, our parents, all our relatives, our colleagues, our friends, our peers, our neighbours. Use this in schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, councils, businesses, courts, anywhere and everywhere.

Spread the word.

Here’s what you’re about to read:

  • I explain language and its use (and pronouns and ‘they’ in detail) and what makes up how we usually communicate. If you’re already expert in all of that stuff, I ask you to read it anyway and if you spot any inadvertent errors, do let me know.

  • I describe communication disabilities in children

  • I then look at adults with communication disabilities

  • I share information on how it is discriminatory to impose language demands.


I share my opinion throughout and the difference between objectivity and subjectivity should be clear to the careful reader.

There are lots of references and links to other resources. Please use what you find relevant to your situation. You can read it all or skip to the bits that you specifically need.

All links and references are included to help you understand or help you help others understand and take appropriate actions. You can use this information to hone your debating or persuasion skills and bring about change where it’s needed. I am not responsible for the content of those links and references and I have no idea what every author’s or participant’s stance on gender ideology is.

Where I have made errors of fact, I’m happy to correct them. Where you disagree with me, I’m open to changing my mind when the facts change.

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