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This section of the website is focussed on how children and adults with communication disabilities are affected by unreasonable language demands. You know the kind of thing; children with autism should use 10 different classmates’ preferred pronouns consistently or an adult with dementia should recall that Bob is now Betty and call him “her”.

Disability is a protected characteristic in the Equality Act 2010.


The ways in which we’re being asked to change how we think as a result of mangled language has found its way into every nook and cranny. Sounds painful because it is. It’s indoctrination and propaganda. In schools, Universities, hospitals, courtrooms, everywhere.

This section is written by Preston, who you can find here on Twitter and here on Substack. We’ve reformatted the newsletter content for use here on the WRN site.

Yes, we’re a women’s rights organisation, not a disability rights one but we’ve included this as we’re all affected as women. We’re mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts. We not only care for our children but we’re often unpaid carers for adult relatives, and paid carers for children and adults. Women are found in all sorts of jobs but we often choose education, and health and social care where we work with children and/or adults with disabilities. And many of us are disabled ourselves.

Have you been told that using preferred pronouns is a courtesy? Have you been told that using words such as ‘cis’ adds clarity? Have you been told that using phrases such as ‘pregnant people’ is inclusive?

None of it is true. We explain here why it’s neither simple, nor a courtesy nor inclusive...

There are some children who experience a more communication difficulties. It is either developmental or acquired, it may be consistent or variable, it may be temporary or permanent. Here we talk about communication disability in children...

Adults experience communication disabilities. These  may be temporary or permanent, consistent or variable. How might adults with communication disabilities find it difficult to understand or use preferred pronouns or “gender-neutral” language? Let’s explore some of the communication disabilities adults experience...

An overview of the law in relation to health, safeguarding and disability in the UK.

This blog post is for signposting purposes only.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This information should not be considered legal advice. You should seek appropriate counsel for your own situation.

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